It was a lot of fun to see the Englewood Computer Club back in session. It appeared from the attendance our new meeting space at Elsie Quirk is just what we needed. A huge screen for those in the back, a huge long table to separate Paul and Ed and Ginger and Linda have their table at the door to greet each one with a smile.
Ed presented a small power point presentation on computer crashes and the power point slides will be posted on a separate page for member comment. Please add your experiences to the discussion.
Ed and Paul were stumped by a question about a pointer which shows up as four arrows pointing north/south and east/west. After the meeting it was discovered this cursor symbol is used to move an object around the page of a program. For example moving a square symbol in a word document.
The next meeting will by Oct 15 2013 @ 1:PM to 3:30PM.